Football on Thursday 16, May at 19:00

→ Organized by Vincent team

Open football match
19:00 → 20:00
Vincent team Won't be there
Flo Gaumet Won't be there
Yan nou Won't be there
Antoine Marguerie Won't be there
BARACH63 Won't be there
Kais_lk10 Won't be there
Nico Ducati Removed
Florentin Removed
Antonynho Won't be there
Nicolas Charbonnel Won't be there
MBAPPEC Has been invited
Samirinho Has been invited
Winbread Has been invited
CHAUVE Has been invited
PouletDuGers Has been invited
Pierrot Has been invited
Mikeyr Casillas Has been invited
Alain D Has been invited
Yuka63 Has been invited
Philau Has been invited
Jason Mount Has been invited
Idriss Has been invited
Flopeets Has been invited
Rohan q Has been invited

Vincent team left the match

Thomaninho joined the match

Kais_lk10 joined the match

Ben Chaussin joined the match

Polopolo joined the match

Kais_lk10 left the match

JulienV joined the match

JulienV has blocked a spot for Quentin

Thomaninho has blocked a spot for Nico Ducati

JulienV has blocked a spot for Florentin

Invited players have been notified

Ancois joined the match


14/5 08:31

Salut ! Comment on fait pour retirer un joueur ? Nico Ducati ne pourra pas venir jeudi


14/5 09:15

Il doit y avoir un petit symbole à côté du nom pour le supprimer

Thomaninho has removed the player Nico Ducati

Vincent team

14/5 13:07

Je suis à Montpellier pour le boulot jeudi.
Vous arriverez à être 10 ?
Sinon la limite pour annuler c'est ce soir 18h00.
Dites moi


14/5 13:08

Je suis en train de ratisser pour trouver du monde j’en aurais peut être un voire deux de plus mais jamais mieux donc n’hésitez surtout pas à rajouter des gens si vous en avez

ESTEVE Bruno joined the match


14/5 18:09

Allez plus que 2 😂


14/5 18:13

Je crois que c’est mort


14/5 19:03

Je tente ma chance, laissez moi encore quelques minutes


14/5 19:44

Je tente ma chance, laissez moi encore quelques minutes


14/5 19:45

De toute façon on peut plus annuler 4 contre 4 au pire


14/5 21:28

2 échecs, 2 attentes de réponse...

Vincent team

15/5 00:34

J'ai basculé le match en mode "public"

Aurel LAPIE joined the match


15/5 09:23

Cool manque plus que 1


15/5 09:41

J ai le 10’eme

Aurel LAPIE has blocked a spot for Jerome

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

JulienV has removed the player Florentin


15/5 12:38

Désolé les gars mais j’ai eu un abandon , j’ai confiance on va trouver un nouveau 10e

Ju d orange joined the match

The match is full : a waiting list is now available

Vincent team

16/5 12:13

Pour le paiement, j'envoie les codes à François.

Kick-off : match is starting

Robot Assistant

16/5 19:00

Whistle Blow: Your Match Starts Now!

Robot Assistant

16/5 20:00

The match is over! What did you feel? Write it here in the chat.

The match is over

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This match is over

This match was played on the Thursday 16 May at 19:00